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Read, Understand, and Hear with a Caption Telephone

A Caption Telephone is ideal for people with some degree of hearing loss. It works like any other telephone with one important addition: It displays every word the caller says throughout the conversation.

We work with several clear caption phone services at no charge to the patient. However, you will need a recommendation from an audiologist and a hearing evaluation to receive a referral.

If you are not currently a patient of Family Hearing Care, we recommend you give us a call to schedule a hearing evaluation so that we can refer you for this valuable service.

If you do not live in our area, we recommend you contact your local Audiologist to discuss the benefits of a Caption Phone and what is required for a referral to participate.

Free captioning service is provided by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), which requires the telecommunication industry to provide qualified people who have hearing loss with functionally equivalent solutions that allow them to communicate with the same abilities as someone without hearing loss. The Americans with Disabilities Act also requires that people with hearing loss pay no more for their telephone service than people without hearing loss.

CLICK HERE for the “Best Caption Phones for Hearing Impaired” on Caring.com

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Caption Telephone Brands Offered At Family Hearing Care


CapTel phones help people with hearing loss re-connect over the phone by showing word-for-word captions of everything a caller says. It’s like the captions you see on TV, only for your phone conversations.

CapTel is easy to use. It works the same way you’d use any other telephone. If you can’t hear what someone says, simply read the captions.

CapTel works with a free Captioning Service to transcribe everything the other person says into written words. There are no monthly fees, no service agreements. Your monthly phone bill doesn’t change.

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ClearCaptions is a call captioning service that provides near real-time display of caller’s words during phone conversations, a service intended for individuals whose hearing loss inhibits their phone use.

Like captioned television, ClearCaptions allows you to actually see the words your callers say, made possible by our revolutionary home phone or mobile device app.

This captioning service is provided by ClearCaptions and paid for through a program managed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). There is no cost to qualified individuals.

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The CaptionCall captioning service and telephone allows users to hear and read what the other person is saying so you can better understand the conversation.

CaptionCalls latest and greatest captioning telephone will help your read conversations in big, clear text. The CaptionCall service and phone make conversations clear again for people who have hearing loss and need captions to use the phone effectively.

Caption Calls
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